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School Advisory Board


We believe Saint Gilbert Catholic School is called by God and by the Catholic Community of this parish to provide a quality Catholic education for the children of this parish. We commit our school to providing a strong, challenging, academic, and religious program that fosters the development of each child’s unique talents, complements the role of the family in nurturing a strong sense of self-worth in each child to enable the child to meet  the challenges of today and tomorrow, and encourages positive spiritual, moral, aesthetic, ethical and social sensibilities within the fabric of family, school, and parish. The educational experience at St. Gilbert School is to be available to all those who seek it. Therefore, we hold ourselves accountable to the children, their families, and the other members of the parish to fulfill our mission as we have defined it.



The purpose of the Board is to advise the Pastor and Principal by assisting in the development of programs and policies that guide the administration of Saint Gilbert Catholic School.  The Board works to maintain and increase our Catholic identity, reviews the annual School budget, conceives and implements marketing and fundraising objectives, as well as formulating the School’s strategic plan with the guidance of the Pastor and Principal, consistent with the policies and guidelines of the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Catholic Schools.

Contact us at:

2023-2024 School Advisory

Board Members

Father John Chrzan


Mrs. Kristine Buckley


Mike Starzec


Melissa Soehl


Emily Webber


Committee Chairs & Members

Ally Veres

Committee Chair - Strategic Planning & Finance

Brigid Martin

Committee Chair - Mission Effectiveness

Melissa Soehl

Committee Chair - Institutional Effectiveness


Board Members

Megan Brady


April Pernat

Committee Contact Information: 

Fiscal Management Committee:


Institutional Effectiveness Committee:

Mission Effectiveness Committee:

Meetings for 2022-2023:  

October 17, 2023

December 18, 2023

February 20, 2024

April 23, 2024

All school and parish families are invited to attend the SAB meetings. Prior to all meetings, the Principal will publish to the school community the location (if in person or hybrid) or the login information (if remote or hybrid). Occasionally, an Executive Session is needed in place of a regular meeting or as part of a regular meeting. Executive Sessions are closed to the public and only open to Board Members.

Our committees meet September, November, January, March and May. Meetings times are determined by committee members. You do not need to be on the board to participate on a committee.


  Email if you are interested in joining a committee.

Please visit out Volunteer Information page to review volunteer compliance requirements set forth by the Archdiocese of Chicago.

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